[The Trojan Horse] EXCLUSIVE: Who murdered Ted Cruz? Insightful interview with friend of suspect

(br) – 20 year old Austin native Harry P.* went to High school with the alleged killer of Ted Cruz Chris Johnson. The Trojan Horse managed to get an interview with this really intimate contact of the suspect. In the Interview he openly accused our Government of provoking terror attacks and called Ted Cruz a “radical in his own sense”.

TH: How did  you experience Chris Johnson in school, was he  a  vivid or  rather a quiet guy?

HP: I mean he was definitely more on the quiet side, but he had a lot of hobbies, he played basketball.  When you met him during basketball, he was really open and really friendly, but I never felt that he had any serious thoughts about politics or whatsoever.

TH: What did Chris like to do in his free time?

HP: As I said, he player basketball he also active in the youth union, doing hiking. We played some computer games together back in high school.

TH: When did you discover that your friend Chris was turning to radical Islam?

HP: I mean, I mostly heard about it from other friends, who talked about it, I never personally realized that he was radicalized in any sense.

TH: Did you ever think that your friend Chris would be able to commit such a horrible crime?

HP: No, definitely not. And I’m still not sure, whether there is some mix-up, I really can’t imagine this. But you know, people change.

TH: What did you personally think of the tragic murder of our beloved American hero Ted Cruz?

HP: I think it is very sad, of course it’s a terroristic act. But I think whoever did this, it was a reaction to the current government and I mean they kind of provoked it, in a sense.

TH: In which sense? Who provoked it?

HP: Yeah, I think the American government and Ted Cruz in particular. I think he was a radical in his own sense.

TH: Do you think  this could be a part of a greater conspiracy regarding the events in manila?  That your Friend worked for Facebook, and that a Facebook office was attacked?

HP: I still don’t know what my friend Chris actually did or didn’t do or whether there was a mix-up. And I really can’t draw a line between what he allegedly did or didn’t do and the events in Manila especially since I can’t really imagine him doing something like that.

TH: Thank you for your time.

 * name changed