[The Trojan Horse] Return of the “German Angst”

(hh) – The two train tragedies and the government measures that followed frightened the German public. Even businesses are anxious. People started hoarding random supplies such as food and drinks but also the hardware stores are being emptied as they do not know what or who they are actually preparing themselves against. Regulations from the states officials are not easing the situation. The limitation on cash withdrawal and transfers to only 1000€ per day has spurred the public’s anxiety on. “Just a basic, normal security measure.”, is Vice-Chancellor Seehofers response to the public insecurity. A cyber attack is a new challenge to the German Government as it is right now worldwide.

A competent source informed this newspaper, that the German stop on railway operations was mainly caused by the high cost of losing trains in accidents. Apparently, the commission is shocked about Germany ruining the EU economy. But taking action is not a very European virtue, so after expressing their disapprovement, they had to urgently leave off for lunch.