[The Trojan Horse] PUB CRAWL: It´s wine o´clock

(ah) – Good morning people! This journalist is ready to broadcast the night of yesterday.

They told me that the dinner was good.  At the exit we found the excom doing squats and jumping, yes, new method to wake up, yes, at nine in the evening.

Before the start of the pub crawl, we were divided into groups. I have to denounce it, the press was not in any, very sad. But don’t worry, we became part of the Germany cabinet.

The Pub Crawl starts: 1st place failed, however, in the second we could all sit and share. Angela Merkel has good stories and tips on “how to lose flights” ask her, she does know what she is talking about.

And how could it be otherwise, the shots came to us. Thanks to the backroom member for their hospitality, where they fit two, they fit three, right?

What about you? Did you have fun yesterday? Did you spot something to gossip about? Just send it to the gossip box and we will talk about it!