[The Trojan Horse] The new American dream: From TV clown to president

(ah) – th: Good afternoon, concerning the topic of terrorism in America, what is your current vision?

dt: We continue to see the cruelty of terrorism, all because of Obama’s blame and his policy of “open America for the whole world”

Islamic terrorism is a huge issue, it threatens the security of the Americans. That’s why a wall is necessary, in order to protect our borders and that deaths like Ted Cruz’s does not happen again. Radical terrorism has killed Cruz. All this is the fault of the democrat party that has paralyzed the country.

th: Would the solution be to build a wall?

dt: Well, that’s what the press says. We are surrounded by false and influenced information, not even these newspapers tell the truth, they only manipulate and compromise national security with fake news. But everything is under control. Everyone loves me, I’m doing great, In my job I would give a ten plus plus.

th: What are you action plans from this point on?

dt: Well right now we have the greatest intelligence from Lincoln, this I cannot confirm but I know it. I’m going to use this intelligence to go after the bad guys and catch them, because we’re going to catch them and we’ll take actions against them.

th: Is there anything else you want to say?

dt: Make America great again!

[The Trojan Horse] “We know we’re a dictatorship”: Philippine government does not take crisis seriously

(br) – In regard of the recent events at the occupied Facebook building in Manila and the harsh reaction towards the press, it is clear to say President Duterte has lost control of the situation in his country.

There is obviously no strategy on how to deal with the terrorists still holding 69 hostages and having already killed four. As if that wasn´t enough the terrorists still have access to the Facebook servers because of the still running emergency generator of the building.

But  apparently the cabinet remains in good mood while they are kicking out journalists. President Duterte even tried to mock the representatives of the press by saying: “Yes I know, we are a dictatorship…”.

Meanwhile the terrorists are threatening to kill off more hostages if demands are not met.

In fact, instead of caring for their capital city, they seem to be more occupied with the killing of three Russian soldiers. They were found sending “most sincere condolences to Russia for the killing of its soldiers, and strongly condemn[ing] such attack. Our government is willing to enhance cooperation internationally so that such acts will never occur again.”

[The Wire] Phillipine government works against local police in Manila

(br) – After the execution of two hostages in the occupied Facebook building in manila the Philippine government is doing the exact opposite thing local police wanted to prevent in the beginning of this crisis by not intervening with force. With their strict stance not to turn the power back on to suppress eventual data flows from the occupied office the government risked, and is therefore partly responsible for the killing of now four hostages.

[The Wire] Germany in uproar: How the governments reacts to terror, fake news and an impatient population

(pp) – Since the crash of an ICE train, allegedly caused by a cyber attack, Germany is in state of unrest. The government declared the incident a “case of disaster” which allows it to deploy the German military to aid secure the situation. All interregional train traffic in Germany has been stopped causing major economic losses. Naturally, critical voices don’t wait.

Shifty internet sources even reported riots in several German cities and a complete infrastructural breakdown. The Wire had the opportunity to talk to Germany’s minister of the Interior, Building and Community, Horst Seehofer about the recent events and the government’s response.

Seehofer clearly denied that there is an infrastructural breakdown. He emphasised, that regional trains are still running as well as cargo trains with a third of speed. The minister is aware that the restrictions on train traffic cause an inconvenience for the population, however, he deems the measures necessary to ensure the safety of the German population.

Seehofer further stated, that peaceful protests were misinterpreted as riots. “The German people has a long democratic tradition and rallies are normal in a democratic environment”, the minister of interior assured. However, he indicated that in the current situation, large gatherings come with a serious security risk. Activists are outraged and claim, that the conservative minister wants to cut down on their constitutional right to protest. Seehofer stressed that the constitutional rights of the German citizens are being fully respected and that it is not in the competence of the federal government to allow or disallow public rallies. A federal state would have to interdict a public event only if the security of the protesters could not be ensured. But the police is ready to deploy the necessary personnel at all times despite the recent “case of disaster”.

A widely critisised move by the German government is the enforcement of internal border controls. Horst Seehofer has in the past often demanded increased border controls to stop illegal immigration, a controversal measure given, that free movement is one of the pillars of the European Union. In the interview, he pointed out, that in the current events, border controls are only conducted on incoming traffic and the identities of the controlled travellers are not recorded. “This is a measure allowed by EU law and we are not searching to stop illegal immigration”, Seehofer said.

Apparently, the European Commission has a different understanding of the EU regulations and filed a case against Germany in front of the ECJ.

In any case, how physical controls of luggage is meant to prevent cyber attacks remains to be demonstrated.

[The Trojan Horse] EXCLUSIVE: Who murdered Ted Cruz? Insightful interview with friend of suspect

(br) – 20 year old Austin native Harry P.* went to High school with the alleged killer of Ted Cruz Chris Johnson. The Trojan Horse managed to get an interview with this really intimate contact of the suspect. In the Interview he openly accused our Government of provoking terror attacks and called Ted Cruz a “radical in his own sense”.

TH: How did  you experience Chris Johnson in school, was he  a  vivid or  rather a quiet guy?

HP: I mean he was definitely more on the quiet side, but he had a lot of hobbies, he played basketball.  When you met him during basketball, he was really open and really friendly, but I never felt that he had any serious thoughts about politics or whatsoever.

TH: What did Chris like to do in his free time?

HP: As I said, he player basketball he also active in the youth union, doing hiking. We played some computer games together back in high school.

TH: When did you discover that your friend Chris was turning to radical Islam?

HP: I mean, I mostly heard about it from other friends, who talked about it, I never personally realized that he was radicalized in any sense.

TH: Did you ever think that your friend Chris would be able to commit such a horrible crime?

HP: No, definitely not. And I’m still not sure, whether there is some mix-up, I really can’t imagine this. But you know, people change.

TH: What did you personally think of the tragic murder of our beloved American hero Ted Cruz?

HP: I think it is very sad, of course it’s a terroristic act. But I think whoever did this, it was a reaction to the current government and I mean they kind of provoked it, in a sense.

TH: In which sense? Who provoked it?

HP: Yeah, I think the American government and Ted Cruz in particular. I think he was a radical in his own sense.

TH: Do you think  this could be a part of a greater conspiracy regarding the events in manila?  That your Friend worked for Facebook, and that a Facebook office was attacked?

HP: I still don’t know what my friend Chris actually did or didn’t do or whether there was a mix-up. And I really can’t draw a line between what he allegedly did or didn’t do and the events in Manila especially since I can’t really imagine him doing something like that.

TH: Thank you for your time.

 * name changed